



cdl china(指“城市发展(中国)有限公司”,在上下文指明的情况下,还包括其子公司、关联公司、附属公司及顾问)不以任何方式为本网站所含产品、服务、信息及其它内容的准确性、正确性、充分性、完整性或适宜性做出保证、声明或许诺,并在此明确表示不对上述产品、服务、信息以及内容方面的错误或遗漏承担任何责任。

cdl china (which term refers to cdl china limited and, where the context specifies, its subsidiaries, associates, affiliates, advisors and consultants) does not warrant, represent or undertake in any manner whatsoever the accuracy, correctness, adequacy, completeness or suitability of the products, services, information and other content contained in this website and hereby expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions in respect of the same.



the information contained in this website, including all text, names, images, pictures, graphics, logos, icons, links and other items are provided “as is”.”


对于与这些页面上的任何产品、服务、信息或其它内容,cdl china未做出任何明示、暗示或法定保证或声明,包括但不限于商销性、针对特定目的的适用性、无侵权以及权利方面的保证或声明。兹明确排除任何此类保证或声明。

no warranty or representation of any kind, expressed, implied or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties or representations of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement and title, is given by cdl china in conjunction with any products, services, information or other content on these pages and any such warranty or representation is hereby expressly excluded.


cdl china也未保证本网站及其页面(以及通过它们提供的所有产品和服务)或其服务器上没有计算机病毒或任何其它具有破坏性的代码、程序、宏或因素,也不保证访问者及时、安全、完整、无错或不间断地访问本网站。

cdl china also does not warrant that this website and its pages (and any products and services provided through them) or the server that makes them available are free from computer virus or other corrupting or destructive codes, programs, macros or elements of any kind, nor is any warranty given for the timely, secure, complete, error-free or uninterrupted access to all contents on this website.


cdl china对任何登入、采用、参考或浏览本网页内容之人士可能直接或间接承受或引致之任何财务、经济或其他损失,概不承担任何责任或咎责,也概不处理其后可能出现之任何索偿、行动或法律诉讼。

cdl china takes no responsibility or liability for any financial, economic or other loss which may be directly or indirectly sustained or caused by any visitor's access to, use of, reference to or reading of any of the said material and will not entertain any claims, actions or legal proceedings which may follow.



exclusion of liability


您必须独自承担与访问和/或使用本网站相关的风险。在任何情况下,对由于下列原因引起或与下列原因有关的任何损失、损害、成本或费用(直接、间接、额外、偶然或经济损失、损害、成本或费用,包括利润损失),不管是合同、过失或侵权之诉,cdl china或其任何子公司、关联公司、营销伙伴、供应商、管理人员或职员均概不负责:

the access and/or use of this website are at your sole risk. under no circumstances shall cdl china or any of its subsidiaries, affiliates, marketing partners, suppliers, officers or employees be liable for any losses, damages, costs or expenses whatsoever (whether direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, special or economic including loss of profits) whether in an action in contract, negligence or tort arising out of or in connection with:


l   对本网站或与本网站链接的任何其它网站的访问或使用,不能访问或使用,或者访问或使用不完整、延迟或被中断;

l   使用或依赖于本网站或与本网站链接的任何其它网站所含的信息;

l   任何网络、线路或服务器系统出现运行故障、错误、遗漏或缺陷,或者向用于访问该网站的任何计算机硬件或软件传输了任何计算机病毒或任何其它破坏性代码、程序、宏或因素;或

l   任何未授权人员访问您与cdl china之间通过本网站传输的任何信息。

l   the access or use, inability to access or use, or incomplete, delayed or interrupted access or use of this website or any other website linked to this website;

l   the reliance on information contained on this website or on any other website linked to this website;

l   the failure of performance, error, omission or defect of any network, line or server system or the transmission to any computer hardware or software used in accessing this website of any computer virus or other corrupting or destructive codes, programs, macros or elements of any kind; or

l   the access by any unauthorized person to any information transmitted by you to cdl china or vice versa through this website.




privacy policy




personal data



in the course of using our website, you may be required to provide us with your personal data. all personal data collected by us through this website are to be provided voluntarily by you and you are not obliged to supply the personal data.





“cdl”,“cdl china”和其他标记、标识与服务名称是cdl china或其关联公司的商标。除非得到cdl china或其关联公司的事先书面许可,cdl china或其关联公司的商标不得用于任何与cdl china或其关联公司无关的产品或服务上。

"cdl", “cdl china” and other marks, logos and service names are trademarks of cdl china or its affiliated entities. the trademarks cdl china or its affiliated entities must not in any way be used in connection with any product or service that is not related to cdl china or its affiliated entities, unless a prior written license is obtained from cdl china or its affiliated entities.



k8凯发天生赢家一触即发人生 copyright


本网站上所呈现所有内容,例如域名、文本、图形、标识、图片和音频剪辑,归cdl china或其关联公司或其内容提供者所有。cdl china或其关联公司独家拥有对本网站所有内容进行编辑(指收集、编排和汇集)的权利。除为浏览目的外,在未取得cdl china或其关联公司的事先书面同意或许可前,均不得以任何方式复制、拷贝、重新发行、上载、张贴、传送或散布。

all information and content presented on this website, such as domain names, text, graphics, logos, button icons, images and audio clips, is the property of cdl china or its affiliated entities or its content suppliers. the compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement and assembly) of all information and content on this website is the sole property of cdl china or its affiliated entities. no part of this website may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any manner whatsoever, except for viewing purposes, without the prior written consent or approval of cdl china or its affiliated entities.


未经cdl china事先书面同意,不得把本网站超链接到任何其它网站,不得把本网站上的任何信息复制到任何其它网站上,也不得为任何公共或商业目的使用本网站上的任何信息。是否同意或拒绝上述行为,完全由cdl china自主决定,并且该等同意或拒绝须受cdl china施行的条款和条件所限制。

no hyperlinking of this website to any other website or the mirroring or reproduction of any information on this website on any other website or the use of any information therein for any public or commercial purpose is permitted without the prior written consent of cdl china, which consent may be granted or refused at its sole discretion and may be subject to terms and conditions imposed by cdl china.






links on this website may link to websites maintained by other third parties. these third parties may have their own privacy policies and practices which might not be bound by this policy. we make no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy, timeliness, suitability or any other aspect of the information and content on such websites. access to and use of such other websites is at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions applicable to such websites.


网络记录 / cookies档案

web logs/ cookies



when you visit our website, we shall make a record of your visit for preparing general statistics on the usage of this website to improve the effectiveness of our marketing and promotional activities. however, we do not collect any personally identifiable information from you during your browsing of this website.


我们会放置cookie档案到您的浏览器。cookie档案是一个小型档案,能储存您浏览特定网站的喜好及浏览模式等不记名的数据,以便网站拥有人能为其用户提供更实用的功能。除cdl china及其子公司、关联公司、附属公司及顾问外,以cookie档案收集之资料不会向任何第三者披露。

we shall also place a cookie in your browser. a cookie is a small file which contains anonymous information about your preferences and navigation pattern in particular sites, thus enabling website owners to provide more useful features for their users. the data collected by means of 'cookies' will not be disclosed to any third parties except to cdl china and its subsidiaries, associates, affiliates, advisors and consultants.



submission of feedback and information


在本网站(无论通过电子邮件或其它方式)向cdl china提交的任何反馈或其它信息,都将被视为非保密信息,并且应属于cdl china的财产,cdl china有权不受限制地把此类反馈和信息用于任何目的(包括但不限于:复制,向第三方披露,传输,发表、广播以及与任何产品或服务的开发、市场推广和推销)。

any feedback and information submitted to cdl china at this website (whether by e-mail or otherwise) shall be deemed to be non-confidential and shall become the property of cdl china, who shall be entitled to use such feedback and information on an unrestricted basis for any purpose (including without limitation, reproduction, disclosure to third parties, transmission, publication, broadcast, and in relation to the development, marketing and promotion of any facilities, products or services).


请理解:对于向cdl china提交的任何反馈或其它信息中所含的任何理念、概念、专有技术、流程或技术,cdl china不负有任何保密义务,并且不保证将其作为保密或专有理念、概念、专有技术、流程或技术来对待。

please understand that cdl china shall not be subject to any obligation of confidentiality in relation to, and gives no assurances that any ideas, concepts, know-how, processes or techniques contained in any feedback or information submitted to cdl china will be treated as confidential or proprietary.






by accessing this website and any of its pages, you are deemed to have agreed to and willing to be bound by the terms of this disclaimer and privacy policy at that time in force.



both english and chinese versions of this disclaimer and privacy policy may be displayed on this website. in case of any conflict between the english and chinese versions, the chinese version shall prevail.



we reserve the right to review, edit, vary or change this policy at our sole discretion and without prior notice.


cdl china保留一切k8凯发天生赢家一触即发人生的版权。

k8凯发天生赢家一触即发人生 copyright © cdl china. all rights reserved

